Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Business the Feminine Way

I have a very different outlook on business. It involves looking at the world through a more feminine perspective. I find this not only helps my female clients, but it serves my male clients as well.

First let me clarify what I mean by feminine and masculine. We all have both sides inside of us. Nature also exhibits both sides. I believe that the female archetype is radiant, open, our lifeforce. It is mother earth and beautiful creator. It is action when done in radiance and it is being, not doing. Masculine is very directed, focused, present. It is action to accomplish something, get to the end result and more often focuses on doing. We have to develop both these aspects in ourselves.

Lately I have been listening to a very amazing man, David Deida, who centers his gift to others on opening them up spiritually and sexually. He talks a lot about what he sees as the feminine essence and masculine essence. I am going to offer my own interpretation here and my own synthesis of my personal experience. I would suggest you check him out for yourself.

It seems to me that as important as it is to balance our masculine and feminine sides, that each of us, male or female, have a masculine or feminine essence. I will also go on to explain how businesses have a feminine or masculine essence a little bit later. The key to this, whichever essence you have, is that by staying true to that essence you open yourself up the divine flow, your connection to source. There are men that have a feminine essence and women that have a male essence. It is not gender specific. So often, we are living in the wrong side, trying to be masculine, when our feminine essence is dying to be fulfilled. Same is true of the other side. When we are not living our true essence, we are closed off to the flow.

There are exceptions, but for the most part in today’s world, we are way off balance. Business has become a very masculine domain, and because of the lack of balance, women are way over compensating and trying to shove their feminine essence into a box and function in a masculine world.

Now the essence of a business depends on really who is running it, or who started it. What I teach my clients is the consciousness of the business is determined by those in charge. If there is a masculine essence and it is working in a masculine way, that can be good. But if there is an essence that is not fulfilled, ie. A feminine essence that is acting in a masculine way, it can be more challenging and a lot more effort. One of the principles of work/life balance is working with nature instead of against it. Therefore, you have more balance when there is less effort. Women are great at living in that masculine world, we have learned to succeed tremendously, but many feel they are not fulfilled or able to balance very well the other aspects of their lives.

So here we come to the new evolution of businesses, business the feminine way. Being true to your essence, finding those areas that are effortless and increasing your flow there, while decreasing attention and obsession with areas that require a lot of effort. For women-owned businesses, a lot of the effort is getting clients, sales. We love being in our job, working with people, doing what it is we love to do, but going after the sale is a whole other ballpark. The way people view sales these days is very masculine, you get very directed, focused and purposeful, you sell yourself, you hook them, you don’t let them get away. You sell yourself by reasoning why you are the best. “Look, here is the proof.” This is not a feminine way of doing business. The feminine way is living through your essence, being seen, meeting people, connecting with groups of women, being with people. It is more about spreading seeds that pulling the weeds. We are more true to ourselves when we are attracting clients than getting them. The problem is that the majority of business owners don’t know how to attract clients, how to live that feminine essence. Even masculine businesses often need to attract clients this way, especially when the primary target market is women. You can’t sell to women like you do to men. We just function differently. I used to teach a course on marketing to women and I taught it to primarily male-dominated industries. It was awesome how enlightened they were about how women function and how they could turn the sales around by learning how to meet the feminine essence.

I am offering next month a new group series called, “Business the Feminine Way”, because I see how important this topic is for more work/life balance. If you are interested, please email me and I will put you on the list for my upcoming promos. It is the new revolution. I encourage all of you to look at your business and your life and ask yourself are you living your essence, do you feel alive, feel the energy, are you in the flow that is right for you. Just becoming aware of where you are out of balance is an amazing start.

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